Friday, February 27, 2009

Long Break, Lots of News

Being gone for Mardi Gras since last Friday has left me a lot of news worth blogging about:

1) 40 Days for Life is underway!

2) As is the magnificent season of Lent! I found some pretty cool articles about the season, including tips and ideas for fasting and almsgiving.

this is a really nifty list of 25 things to do to help celebrate Lent, recommended by Fr. Marvin Kitten S.J. via Facebook
- EWTN features this helpful Lenten calendar, including reflections and questions for each day.
- On his blog, Mark Shea posted this excellent essay about Mary and the Rosary during Lent.

For Lent this year, I have decided to abstain from meat everyday of the week, not just on Fridays. I am also doing a daily rosary or a prayer reflection each morning and night. As a religion teacher, I always try to stress to my students the importance of fasting and almsgiving and how it means more than just "giving something up" for Lent. I always felt that doing somethin
g to help the community would be more fulfilling for the youngsters. This year, I plan to have my class participate in a baby supply drive for the local Crisis Pregnancy Center.

3) posted this article responding to the growing epidemic of sex-selection eugenics and abortion. I found it particularly interesting. The amount of suffering women go through because of abortion never ceases to amaze me. How can neo-feminists support such activities?

4) I came across, in my opinion, the greatest website ever created last night. I thought it was the perfect way to start off the weekend!

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